Sex Crimes

Flint Sex Crimes Attorney

Helping Clients Fight Sex Crime Charges

A sex crime conviction can have catastrophic effects on the individual convicted and their family. These crimes are very serious and should not be taken lightly. A conviction can mean jail time, hefty fines, social stigma, loss of professional opportunities, limited housing, and other consequences. The good news is that there is hope for avoiding a sex crime conviction when you hire a sex crimes attorney.

Your lawyer can help explain the meaning of your charges and will guide you on how to proceed with your criminal defense. With the help of an aggressive defense attorney, you increase your chances of a favorable outcome, including avoiding being labeled a sex offender in Michigan. Sex crime cases are typically complicated and depend on one person’s testimony against another. Hiring a criminal defense attorney can make all the difference when constructing your defense and finding evidence that supports your claim.

If you or a loved one needs a sex crimes defense for internet sex crimes, sexual assault, sexual battery, or another alleged crime, please reach out to our law firm right away. We will take the time to listen to your story and investigate the details of your sex crime allegations. Our team will work tirelessly to prove that you are facing false accusations or that you do not deserve maximum sentencing. You can reach us by calling 810-498-2370.

What Are Sex Crimes in Flint, Michigan?

Under Michigan law, what are more commonly known as rape cases are referred to as criminal sexual conduct (CSC). CSC charges vary based on the alleged degree of culpability from the first through the fourth degree. Sexual assault crimes carry severe punishments, including possible life sentences and 25-year minimum prison terms. With few exceptions, anyone convicted of sex-related crimes in Michigan will be registered and listed on Michigan’s Sex Offender Registry for at least 15 years.

Some examples of sex crimes in Michigan include:

  • Sexual assault
  • Unwanted sexual penetration
  • Unwanted sexual touching
  • Child pornography
  • Rape of a child or minor
  • Indecent exposure

All criminal sexual conduct crimes are very serious and must be handled correctly by a skilled and knowledgeable defense attorney. We have helped countless clients facing these serious charges and will apply our knowledge and skills to your case. Sometimes, even the mere allegation of a sex crime is enough to turn someone’s life upside down. We will stand by your side to protect you from the legal ramifications of a conviction. Call Clint W. Perryman PC immediately to learn more about your rights and get legal counsel when navigating your sex crime case.

What Should I Do if I’m Facing Sex Crime Allegations?

If you have been accused of a sex offense, the stakes could not be higher. Criminal Sexual Conduct (CSC) and other sex-related offenses can immediately change many of the dynamics in an accused individual’s life. While we may not be able to shield an individual from the intense social scrutiny that often accompanies these charges, our goal is to zealously defend an individual’s rights and freedoms in as many aspects of their lives as possible.

Our office will defend an accused person against all types of sex crimes and sexual abuse charges, including:

  • Sexual assault/rape
  • Statutory tape/teen tape
  • Possession, sale, or creation of child pornography
  • Solicitation of a minor over the internet
  • Unlawful touching
  • Child molestation

We’re here to help defend these charges intelligently and aggressively to even the odds. These cases are very challenging, and it is essential to have someone you can trust to assist you in these matters. Call now to hire our understanding, capable legal team.

How Can Sex-Related Criminal Charges Affect My Future?

If you are convicted of a sex crime in Flint, Michigan, your freedom and way of life are at stake. Not only will you have to deal with the legal penalties of a criminal conviction, such as jail time and fines, but you could also have the effects of mandatory sex offender registration. Depending on the degree of CSC you’ve been charged with, you could face even more severe penalties, such as prison time of up to lifetime imprisonment.

Registered sex offenders face many obstacles as they try to get their lives back on track. Unlawful sexual contact, especially with a minor, carries a major stigma and can affect your relationships and family life. Additionally, you could find it challenging to find housing and employment as potential landlords and employers will see your criminal record. Finally, a conviction for CSC, be it first-degree CSC or a lower offense, can impact your professional licensing, immigration status, and ability to seek custody of your children.

Please don’t take any chances when the stakes are so high. Reach out to our law office right away for help protecting your legal rights at this critical time. We can help you understand what degree of criminal sexual conduct you are facing and how to avoid maximum sentencing.

What Criminal Defense Can I Use Against Sex Crime Charges?

If you’ve been charged with criminal activity in Michigan, you are probably concerned about what kind of defense to use to minimize sentencing or get your charges dismissed entirely. One of the best things you can do when facing any of the four degrees of criminal sexual conduct is to seek a confidential consultation with a trusted criminal defense attorney. Your attorney will help you craft a defense that matches the truth about what happened during the incident.

Some examples of defenses that can be effective in sex crime cases are:

  • Consent – If the other person agreed to the sexual contact, the criminal allegations could be dropped
  • Mistaken identity – You would not be convicted of a sex crime if you prove that you were not the person who committed the crime
  • False accusations – Sometimes, other individuals make allegations for financial or social gain and proving that this is the case could lead to dropping your charges
  • Insufficient evidence – If you can demonstrate that the prosecution does not have evidence to support their claim, your case could be dismissed

How Can a Criminal Defense Attorney in Flint, MI Help Me?

Our law firm will help from the very beginning as you navigate the police investigation. We’ll listen closely to your story and conduct an investigation of our own to find evidence that supports your claim. Even if you made a mistake and committed a crime, your legal rights should be protected during the investigation and trial. We will stand by your side to ensure your Constitutional rights are not violated and you aren’t served a harsher sentencing than you deserve.

Don’t risk being labeled a sex offender on the Michigan sex offender registry. Take action now to protect your name and your future. Contact the legal team at Clint W. Perryman PC. Whether your charge is for a misdemeanor or a felony offense, we will be there to defend you. We promise to work tirelessly to minimize any prison sentence and fight for your freedom.

Can a Sex Offender Get Their Record Expunged in Michigan?

Having your record expunged means future employers, landlords, and others will not see the conviction. In other words, it will be like the criminal charges were never brought against you. Since sexual crimes are so serious, many of these offenses are not eligible for expungement. Michigan law divides sex crimes into four categories, which are first-degree CSC, second-degree CSC, third-degree CSC, and fourth-degree CSC.

Expungement laws have been updated in recent years, and there are certain categories of sex-related crimes that may be eligible for expungement. Please get in touch with your law firm for more information about whether your conviction may be expunged. You should also take care to avoid any further criminal activity to get the best chance of having your expungement approved.

Should You Hire Our Flint Sex Crimes Attorney?

A sex crime conviction in Michigan can lead to years in prison, mandatory registration on the Michigan sex registry, job loss, limited housing, and other devastating consequences. For the best chances of a positive outcome, please contact the legal team at Clint W. Perryman PC immediately.

Our dedicated team of legal professionals will fight for you to avoid lifetime registration, prison time, and the other penalties of a conviction. We have handled cases of statutory rape, sexual touching, and other sexual assault charges. Call 810-498-2370 now to see how we can put our talent and skills to work for you.