Personal Injury Cases

Personal injury generally refers to situations when a entity/agent or an individual is negligent and causes injury either physically or mentally to another person due to unintentional actions. This area of practice also includes medical malpractice, which occurs when a medical professional neglects or omits adequate treatment to a patient, resulting in injury or loss of life.

An injured party may be entitled to financial compensation for the suffering they’ve experienced. To recover damages, the plaintiff/injured party must prove that the defendant had a legal duty to show care; that they did not; and finally they must prove that the defendant’s carelessness or inaction caused the injury or damages. A advance cause and effect analysis.

It is important to call for a free case evaluation as you may be entitled to financial compensation for your injuries.


“Hiring Clint was the best decision I could have ever made. I was facing a very serious charge with very serious consequences and Clint was nothing but the best. When I first got in touch with Clint, he was honest. He informed me of what I was facing (based upon the information I gave him) and what my possible outcomes could be, then he reassured me. He said, ‘What’s done is done and now we have to focus on making it right and we’ll do it together.’ Throughout my ordeal, Clint was accessible, kept me informed, and worked diligently to provide me with the best possible outcome. I couldn’t have dreamed for a better result. Had I not contacted him, I don’t know where I’d be, but I know that because I did I am in a much greater frame of mind and I have a sense of peace that is indescribable. If you’re in a situation that feels hopeless, please contact Clint. He will work as hard as it takes to help you and make your situation better.” – Jason

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